
Parallel Universes

First off, about “The Subject”: there are many references available in libraries & online. Just do a ‘search’ on it.

Next: my own thoughts and more. I’ve had some ‘strange’ experiences. I went on a couple of “spiritual journeys,” first when I was either dead or near death from viral pneumonia & my temp was well over 105F. I “went” out into “space” seeking help with staying alive. Obviously I received it! Twice.

Second, while visiting an archeoastronomical rock art site beside the Green River in Utah I “went” on a spirit journey and discussed life with “the grandfathers” as in the tales in the book, “Black Elk Speaks.” Both occurrences felt quite “real” but later rationalizations said they must have been “hallucinations.”

I’ve lately been reading articles in Scientific American magazine about quantum physics and other related subjects, including the “parallel universe” and multiverse theories. Then I had another “happening” from which I am now convinced that I have visited at least one other universe, and maybe – just “maybe” – those other experiences also were brief visits into one or more of those other “universes.” Maybe.

It was another ordinary September day. My wife was out shopping. I was sitting at the dining area table with the last of my morning coffee and the last page of the newspaper. (Yes…an actual print copy!)

Wife returns and enters the kitchen/dining are with a couple of full shopping bags (reusable) but I noticed something “off.” While she emptied the contents of the bags onto the kitchen island counter-top, I noted that either her hair was in a shadow or it was darker than it has been for a couple of years, and longer, and wavy, not curly. She finished unloading a lot of items and marched quickly past me to another part of our house – without even a glance or a word or two in my direction.

She returned after a few minutes. Hair was a bit shorter, gray & curly. She spoke — about finding bargains while approaching the island to put the new stuff where she wanted it. But there weren’t as many items as “that other wife” had unloaded. What!?

Who was the “other wife?” From where? What happened to all the items from the shopping bags? Why hadn’t our dog barked when “other wife” came in?

You are free to provide your own answers — I have mine.